Activities | Workshops

Roadmap to foster co-operation between universities, research and business in Spain

Madrid, Spain

Catalina Martínez (IPP-CSIC) has participated in the elaboration of the OECD/EC Roadmap to foster co-operation between universities, research and business in Spain, providing assistance to the OECD as a local expert. The project aims to enhance collaboration between universities, public research organisations and businesses.

First link provides information about the project, project documents, and news. It includes a video of the event where, Diana Morant, Spanish Minister for Science and Innovation, presented the final project report «Improving knowledge transfer and collaboration between science and business in Spain», celebrated November 29th 2021 in Madrid.

The second link leads to a report prepared by the OECD project (project leader Fernando Galindo Rueda, project manager Sandra Planes Satorra) to which Catalina Martinez has contributed. It provides and assessment of Spain’s innovation system and the current state of knowledge transfer.