Activities | Workshops

Auctioning the Spectrum and the Future of 5G

26 April 2021


Funcas, Madrid

Íñigo Herguera and Gerard Llobet, Principal investigators of the UCM and CEMFI nodes of MIMA-CM, respectively, organized on April 26, 2021, the workshop “La subasta del Espectro y El Futuro del 5G”, together with Juan-José Ganuza (FUNCAS).

This workshop is part of the activities of the objective 3 of the MIMA-CM project. It gathered academic researchers, practitioners and representatives of the some of the main companies in the sector to discuss two critical aspects in the future of wireless telecommunications in Spain.

The first roundtable included presentations by Juan-Jose Ganuza (FUNCAS and UPF), Pau Castells (GSM Association) and Zoraida Frías (UPM) and discussed the upcoming auction for the allocation of 5G spectrum in the 700 Mhz Band. Two main issues were relevant in this case: the design of auctions and the potential of the technology in rural and urban areas.

The second table included presentations by José Juan Haro (Telefónica), David Sola (Vodafone) and Jaume Pujol (Cellnex) and focused on the deployment of the technology, the trend of vertical desintegration and the profitability requirements for this process to be carried out successfully.