Training and jobs

PhD and master programs | Workshops and courses | Job opportunities

At the CSIC Institute of Public Policies and Public Goods, PhD theses are regularly supervised as part of collaborations with doctoral programs at national and foreign universities. More information here. In addition, one of the main axes of the ALLIES international collaboration program with GRETHA (CNRS-Université de Bordeaux) is pre-doctoral training, find more information here.

More than 50 doctoral theses have been supervised in the cemfi doctoral program since 1994. The program currently has more than 20 students. In the context of this project, the objective is to contribute to students interested in areas related to applied microeconomics to benefit from the research carried out in this project. More information here.

The PhD program in Economics at Universidad Carlos III is considered one of the best programs in Europe and the 32nd worldwide. It is also a member of ENTER (European Network for Training in Economic Research), a cooperative alliance of eight leading European Economics Departments with international doctoral programs. More information here.

The PhD program in Economics at the Complutense University of Madrid covers many areas of knowledge within economic analysis and history. The objective is to incorporate students to carry out theses related to the topics proposed in the project. In addition, both the Department of Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics and the Complutense Institute of Economic Analysis (ICAE) regularly organize training courses open to professionals, whether in financial economics, the environment, regulation and competition, econometrics or the analysis of the tourism sector. More information here.


Job offers of MIMA-CM partners :

UC3M – Energy Ecolab: Postdoctoral research felowship in Economics (interviews of short-listed candidates in January-February 2023)

UC3M – Energy Ecolab: Full time research assistant (deadline June 1, 2023)

Job offers as part of the MIMA-CM project:

cemfi: Ayudante de investigación. Offfer published until 31.05.2021.

IPP-CSIC: Ayudante de investigación. Offer published until 11.06.2021