Activities | Workshops

23-24 March 2022

UC3M Downtown Campus, Puerta de Toledo, Madrid

The UC3M node organizes a workshop on energy economics.

There will be presentations and discussions about electricity markets and regulations on transport with a mix of applied theory and empirical papers.

Below is the list of presentations:

  • Tatyana Deryugina “The Long-run Effects of Pollution”
  • Mar Reguant: “The Value of Infrastructure and Market Integration: Evidence from Renewable Expansion in Chile”
  • Stefan Lamp: “Bidders’ Experience and Prices in Renewable Energy Auctions”
  • Stefan Ambec: “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and Free Allowances”
  • Isis Durmeyer “The Welfare Costs of Urban Traffic Regulations”
  • Natalia Fabra: “Do renewables create local jobs?”
  • François Salanié (with Catherine Bobtcheff) “When Electricity Provision Becomes Unreliable.